The Metiri Group serves the education community through a broad range of products and consulting services that empower educators and education institutions to: Advance effective teaching and learning through an understanding of best practice, current research, and emerging trends; Use digital tools with associated measures in powerful and meaningful ways; Foster […]
Leaders in Digital Learning Offer New Evaluation and Assessment System for Digital Learning Initiatives for K-12 Schools If you are engaging in any type of systematic digital learning initiative, you need to think carefully about data. If you haven’t yet been asked for data to support your answer to the […]
PRESS RELEASE – NOV 3, 2015 05:00 EST Metiri Group today released Learning Revolution, a new personalized, online, professional learning platform for educators. While many educator professional learning opportunities are available, most use a one-size-fits-all model where all learners receive the same information in the same way over the same […]
PRESS RELEASE – MAR 24 Metiri Group, an evaluation and research firm that focuses on STEM, 21st Century skills, and digital learning has been selected as the external evaluator for a statewide professional learning grant that will support Idaho teachers in continuing to address STEM readiness for students in their […]