We serve the education community through products and consulting services that empower educators and education institutions to:
- Advance effective teaching and learning through an understanding of best practice, current research, and emerging trends;
- Use digital tools with associated measures in powerful and meaningful ways;
- Foster essential 21st Century, non-cognitive skills in students, teachers, and administrators; and
- Develop learning organizations that are prepared for and actively provide Digital Learning opportunities to all students.
A sample of our clients include:
Alliance for Excellent Education
Alberta Ministry of Education
American Schools (Singapore)
Amplify Education
Apple Computer
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD)
Austin College
Bright Bytes
California Educational Technology Fund
Catalina Foothills School District
Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI)
Clark-County Public Schools
Covina Valley School District
Deerfield Community Schools
Digital Promise
Gates Foundation
Harvard University
Illinois State Department of Education
Indiana State Department of Education
International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)
KinderCare Education
Los Angles Unified School District
Massachusetts State Department of Education
Miami Dade County Schools
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Michigan State Department of Education
Montana Department of Education
National Commission for Teaching and America’s Future
National Science Foundation
New Jersey State Department of Education
New York Botanical Gardens
New York Department of Education
Orange County Public Schools
Partnernship for 21st Century Skills
Pennsylvania Department of Education
Peru International School
Singapore American School
Tahoma Public Schools
UDL Implementation and Research Network
University of Kansas
U.S. Department of Education
Utah State Department of Education
The White House
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
We are a team of professionals with multiple layers of experience in education (teachers, administrators, state directors, technology coordinators, grant specialist, assessment coordinators, etc.). We are all passionate about digital learning and helping the vision that we first articulated in our enGauge document adapt and come to life in today’s schools and universities. We are a woman owned, small-business that partners strategically, works diligently, and is 100% focused on making sure that the work we engage in empowers effective digital learning.
We Believe that Educational Organizations Can…
thrive, transform, become high-performance learning systems, address non-cognitive and applied skills, empower lifelong learners, dive into organizational change, ensure alignment, engage in capacity building, and use tools and research that encourage systems thinking. We believe they can initiate and sustain change to meet the needs of today’s learners.