What is TRAx?
If you are engaging in some type of systematic digital learning initiative, you need to think carefully about data. If you haven’t yet asked, “What progress are we making towards our vision of digital learning?” now is the time to get started. When schools embark on any digital learning initiative their infrastructure, pedagogical choices, curriculum, student access, and communication channels with parents/families all undergo change. Do you have a clear plan that considers all the elements of your organization that will be impacted as a result of implementing your vision for digital learning? Your organization needs data to inform decisions, monitor progress, and inform practice. Metiri Group has designed the comprehensive TRAx system to provide these data for schools’ that show all of the ways you have progressed through your digital learning initiatives.
The TRAx dashboard assesses school-level readiness for digital learning. TRAx collects data from students, teachers, parents and administrators, returning customized reports with compelling info graphics, comparisons and statistics across a range of research-based digital learning indicators. Districts use TRAx to assess learning returns on digital investments over time; and to chart their pathways to transformational digital learning in their classrooms. TRAx by Metiri is a software-as-a-service (SaaS) product for K12 schools to assess their readiness and implementation in digital learning (TRAx Digital Learning) and/or their technology readiness for online assessment (TRAx Online Assessment).
What is TRAx Digital Learning?
TRAx Digital Learning has a two part focus: readiness and implementation. By collecting data from all relevant stakeholders (students, parents/families, teachers, school administrators, curriculum directors, elementary and secondary coordinators, IT coordinators, and ET coordinators), TRAx Digital Learning provides information on a school’s digital learning readiness and its digital learning implementation.
Digital readiness is a measure of a school’s capacity to implement digital learning successfully. TRAx Digital Learning assesses this capacity by determining a school’s progress on establishing a vision for digital learning, and gathering evidence that the policies, procedures, and necessary capacity building (professional learning, the development of a digital learning culture, infrastructure, budgets) are in place for successful implementation.
Digital implementation is a measure of the deployment of digital learning in classrooms directly with students. TRAx Digital Learning measures a school’s level of implementation by assessing their ability to move planning into actions that are supported, targeted towards learning goals, and achieving the vision for digital learning that has been articulated.
TRAx Digital learning provides a calculation of readiness and implementation progress across five areas including:
- Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
- Use of Time
- Technology, Networks, and Hardware
- Data and Privacy
- Community Partnerships
TRAx Digital learning provides a calculation of readiness progress across three additional areas including:
- Professional Learning
- Budget and Resources
- Innovative Leadership
Calculations result in specific ratings to help schools understand their readiness and their level of implementation. With TRAx Digital Learning, data collection is automated with interactive consolidated reports (with PDF exporting options) provided through a secure digital dashboard. This allows schools to collect data efficiently and have immediate access to the information they need to make decisions.
Want to make TRAx Digital Learning even more powerful?
TRAx Digital Learning site visits are an optional service that provide data from classroom observations, focus groups, interviews, and walk-throughs. TRAx Digital Learning site visits research-based interview protocols (principal, teachers, students, parents/families), classroom observation tools, and walk through protocols that inform innovative, evidence-based practice.
TRAx Online Assessment
TRAx Online Assessment is designed to assess the technology readiness of schools, districts, and the state for high quality online assessment of students. A custom data collection site enables permissioned users from schools and districts to enter/upload information related to their capacity to administer assessments online (devices, testing locations, student enrollments, Internet and networking bandwidth, and wireless coverage). The data are analyzed within the context of PARCC, SBAC, or other state and local testing parameters to assess readiness for engaging students in online testing.
Evaluate Digital Learning: Statewide TRAx
A state-wide interactive dashboard including quality metrics for evaluating and assessing digital learning. Based on a research-based, forward thinking framework, statewide TRAx empowers state leaders to make decisions related to digital learning readiness and implementation using timely data gathered from all stakeholders. If your state is investing in digital learning, answer the call for evaluation with data that is relevant to stakeholders, policy makers, and educators. Read about how award winning educational technology leaders used our TRAx tools to advance learning in their state.
Monitor Progress for Digital Learning: District TRAx
A district-level interactive dashboard that empowers district leaders to make decisions related to digital learning readiness and implementation using data gathered from all stakeholders. Using quality metrics and a research-based, forward thinking framework, this level of TRAx by Metiri Group assists districts in measuring progress across schools, monitoring infrastructure and training needs, and providing data to stakeholders to drive continual progress and goal setting.
Empower Digital Learning: School TRAx
An individual school-level interactive dashboard that empowers school leaders to make decisions related to digital learning readiness and implementation using data gathered from all stakeholders. Based on quality metrics and a research-based, forward thinking framework, TRAx by Metiri Group is perfect for evaluating school improvement goals and school-specific projects.