About Metiri’s Planning for Innovation in Schools Toolkit.

What problem does our Integrated Planning for Transformation and Innovation solution solve? Districts need to be ready to develop plans to purposefully integrate technology so digital tools and resources are aligned to academic, non-academic, and social-emotional targets. Those plans only lead to better student outcomes when they synchronize vision, budget, stakeholder engagement, leadership, and high-impact instructional strategies to succeed (i.e., vision, community support, budget, school leadership, identification of high-impact instructional strategies, etc.).
The Metiri Solution for Integrated Planning toolkit: Metiri provides research-based, high impact digital learning strategies as a structural foundation for planning. Our team works directly with district leadership team to ensure that leadership and teams are planning based on priority areas that have a high probability of advancing teaching and learning goals (albeit academic or not). Through this tool kit will support the district as they establish long-term, interim, and direct outcomes and associated metrics. We coach districts through the process for using those outcomes as markers for continuous instructional improvement. Districts will have access to a full set of strategies that support capacity building, professional development, culture shifts, instructional implementation, budgets and maintenance/sustainability. Transforming teaching for learning experiences is a continual challenge. These tools will get a plan established with aligned metrics.
Check out how we have used this process as the evaluator’s for the state of Utah.
The Metiri Integrated Planning Solution was developed under the leadership of Cheryl Lemke, internationally recognized leader in evaluation of digital learning and Dr. Jody Britten. They have used this process to help over 200 K12 districts support progressional growth through tying instructional components, technology purchases, and student outcomes together.
The Metiri team followed a rigorous development process that involved multiple rounds of piloting and refinement of these tools (including selection of high impact strategies and model outcomes that ensure progress at the system, human-capital, and student levels).