About Metiri’s Culture Assessment for Educational Transformation

What problem does our Culture Assessment solve? Innovation, collaboration, and empowerment are terms in education that are not well defined. Yet, if they are to be implemented, clear definitions and foundational knowledge about these terms are needed, as are examples of what they look like in practice. In addition, the district needs a way to assess the extent to which the culture represents innovation, collaboration, and empowerment based on clarity of indicators.
The Metiri Culture Assessment Solution to support innovation, collaboration, and empowerment: Metiri offers school districts a three-step process that will empower the district to shift the school and classroom cultures toward innovation, collaboration and empowerment, and measure the extent of the shift.
Our model for Culture Assessment will ensure that your district has the background information necessary to understand the basics of innovation, collaboration, and empowerment. Grounded in teacher and student rubrics for all three (innovation, collaboration, and empowerment) and our internationally used Range of Use system, our culture assessment uses carefully coded teacher logs to chart the extent to which your learning culture represents innovation, collaboration, and empowerment.
Read about Range of Use when it was just beginning
The Metiri Culture Assessment was developed, tested, and implemented in 2018. Under the leadership of Cheryl Lemke, internationally recognized leader in evaluation of digital learning and Dr. Jody Britten. Dr. Britten served as the key analyst tying data collected to key research-based elements of an educational culture that supports innovation, collaboration, and empowerment.
The Metiri team followed a rigorous development process that involved multiple rounds of piloting and refinement of the Culture Assessment tools (including use in two different state level evaluations ).